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Digital Marketing

March 3 @ 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Digital Marketing builds on the foundation of Marketing Essentials and addresses more than just social media. It explores what is available in the online marketing space and how to select and integrate those choices into an effective and manageable strategy. By focusing on connecting Paid Media to Shared Media (from PESO (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned)), and a direct application of the four defined marketing problems identified in the Ansoff Model (New Customer/New Product, Existing Product/New Customer, New Product/Existing Customer, and Existing Product/Existing Customer) participants can decide what tactics and channels are best suited for their business. Participants will learn how to create shareable owned content to disseminate across shared channels, and how to critique content before it is made public. Participants are encouraged to share examples of their messages for others to critique.

A 40-hour course that runs same time, same day for 10 weeks.

Click here to register


March 3
5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Event Category:

Host Organization

Avon Chamber of Commerce